GSM is an international standard of digital cellular communication based on which it is possible to deploy AMR/AMI in the existing mobile operators networks without creating own infrastructure, which is the main advantage of such systems.


Meters with two SIM-cards (DUAL SIM) are used to increase data transmission reliability. In this case, data can be transmitted, including from M slave meters connected to the master meter, via the RS-485 interface.



Use of different telecommunications operators services, redundancyThe communication channel with anti-tampering protection
Guarantee of stable operation: an automatic operator selection depending on the communication quality and signal level; data retransmission after loss of communicationThe communication channel with anti-tampering protection
The minimal traffic with the software limitation possibility and auto setup according to a schedule and events with less than 1 MB per year depending on the settings
The communication chann
Data collection from 64 or more slave meters not equipped with a modem connected via RS-485 line


  • Capability to operate in a network with a ‘grey’ IP address
  • Simultaneous operation in the proactive transmission mode and in the ‘request-response’ mode

Meters transmit data on demand; data transmission parameters are configured at the upper level, where the meter configuration and control functions are available. If there is no exchange via the direct channel, the proactive data transmission starts operating.

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